Abs Jan

Medical Offices Cleaning Services

In medicine, there’s no room for error. ABS Janitorial ensures that the medical offices cleaning services fully comply with the strict guidelines set down by the CDC, OSHA, AORN, Joint Commission, and other governing bodies. Contact your local cleaning franchisee to give your healthcare space a clean bill of health.

ABS Janitorial Knows Medical Facilities

Your staff and patients’ health is crucial to the smooth operation of your medical facility. That’s why we’ve created the ABS-JAN MedMetrix® certification program, designed specifically for hospitals, surgical centers, and doctor and dentist offices to provide cleaner, safer environments. How? Through ABS Janitorials EnviroShield® disinfecting system, which allows cleaning franchisees to treat areas and surfaces other cleaning systems can’t reach. The disinfectant kills 99.9% of harmful bacteria, is EPA-rated as the safest in its class, won’t cause skin, eye, or respiratory issues, and won’t leave any residue or odor behind. It’s also non-flammable, non-corrosive, and non-staining, and it doesn’t require any safety precautions – giving you peace of mind where it matters most.